Girls Bravo Wiki

Bravo at the Hot Springs! is the tenth episode of the first season of the Girls Bravo Anime Series.

Bravo at the Hot Springs!
Season 1, Episode 10
Air date September 21, 2004
Episode guide
Bravo at the Great Magic War!
Ping-Pong is Bravo!



The five main characters win a trip to a hot spring. When it turns out that the hot spring doesn't have an actual hot spring, they reluctantly accept Fukuyama's offer to use his hot spring. Things get out of control when a female ghost appears.

Girl Bravo Season 1
Bravo From the Bathroom! · Bravo at School! · Cooking is Bravo! · Bravo in the Mansion! · Bravo on a Rainy Day! Part 1 · Bravo on a Rainy Day! Part 2 · Look for a Groom Bravo! · Lots of Bravo! · Bravo at the Great Magic War! · Bravo at the Hot Springs! · Ping-Pong is Bravo!